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Манеры делают человека // О лЮдях сУдят по их внешнему вИду и поведению.

There are those who say that while conventions of conduct and refined behavior may Ье no true reflection on the person ­ and may Ье harmful for being too rigidly artificial - they think the essayist of old was right when he said categorically, "Manners maketh the man". lf he is right perhaps refined behavior and social grace could contribute to our generation's реасе of mind. (Paton)

Не did not agree with Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661) that manners and money make а gentleman, nor with the contemporary John Cardinal Newman that а gentleman was one who never inflicted pain. (O'Hara)

In the day of old men made the manners. Manners now make the men. (Byron)